D. Leonidas Photography is proud to sponsor one of the legs of the Hood to Coast Relay for Fun Employment Radio!'s team Beer Pressure. We picked up the sponsorship for Greg's 3rd and final leg, which should be the most grueling.
Hood to Coast will be run this coming weekend and is a 36 "Leg" relay that starts on Mt. Hood and proceeds 198 miles to the Coast, finishing in Seaside, Oregon. There are 12 people per team, which means each team member runs 3 legs total. The length of each leg varies, as does the terrain, elevation, etc. This year Sarah is running "Leg 1", which means Legs 1, 13 & 25 for a total distance of 13.38 miles. Greg is running "Leg 2" which means Legs 2, 14 & 26 for a total of 17.76 miles!
Good Luck Greg and Sarah!